Piano blues…

After years of playing in bands and winging my way through gigs playing (usually) piano and organ, I’m now extremely proud to find my daughter is a much better piano player than me

She’s been taking lessons for a while and I went with her for her recent exam. Couldn’t go in the exam room with her but could sit in the practise room and with the other parents while waiting for her to come out of her exam.

She loves it and she’s naturally good at it (obviously my genes in action there eh?)

So we need to buy her a piano.

Our house is pretty old so the rooms are quite small and we’re a ‘cluttered’ family rather than ‘minimalist’ with stuff everywhere. That said fitting a piano in shouldn’t be too hard with a bit of rearranging except for one thing.

I’m married.

And somehow for women, simply getting a new piano seems to involve not only moving furniture, but also retiling the kitchen floor and turning the garage into a bigger workshop.

As always her ideas are great and I totally agree…

…but last time she said ‘we need a new car’ I ended up with a vasectomy too, so stay on your guard chaps…

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