It’s ALL about the money?

(Here’s a post from my newsletter of about a year ago – I was reading it this morning and thought it made a lot of sense so published it here for you…)

We’re internet marketers right?

We’re in it to make money.

Those of use that are in the ‘make money online’ niche actually teach other people how to make money online.

So why the Hell do 95% of all marketers spend 95% of their time doing things that DON’T make them money?

It’s time to get harsh with yourselves people!

The recession is not going to go away for years.

Which means that more people are going to want to make money online to supplement their incomes or go full-time.

Some of those people will be your customers.

But some of them will be your competitors, and guess what?

Some of them will be smarter, more creative and more motivated than you (and me)

And they’re coming into YOUR niche right now!

At the moment you have the advantage of experience and knowledge over them, but that won’t last long.

So this is the time to take a long hard look at your business and DUMP everything that isn’t making you money, and instead focus and expand on the things that ARE.

You no longer have the time to fanny around with that authority site you ‘really want’ to build.

It’s no good bunging an odd post on it every month and a half.

Instead force yourself to make one post every single day for 30 days, and to slap some banner ads, AdSense and other forms of monetization on it right now!

If it’s not making you money, or working toward that goal then it’s just mental masturbation.

(Told you this would be harsh, but what a great phrase though!!)

Ah! You say…

‘But most of my sites ARE working towards making me some money’

What I would say to that is, if you’ve not seen any results from your efforts in a month then dump it.

Unless you’re working on a huge software product or other project that going to take a lot of time, you need to limit yourself to 30 days’ worth of action then you need to see results.
Creating a product and launching it does NOT take more than 30 days unless you’re playing at it.

You can’t make excuses for yourself any longer guys. You need to get established in IM as quickly as you can.

The longer you leave it the harder it gets.

And people who are RIGHT NOW seeing their first IM site will be working hard to establish themselves.

And it could only take a matter of WEEKS before they get to your level then surpass you.

You see yourself in any of the following scenarios? I did.

See if you use any of these excuses (I’ve used them ALL before I started kicking my own arse)

‘It’s taking me forever to create this content’

Outsource it.

‘I’m finding it really difficult to drive traffic to my site’

Buy some

‘I don’t have enough time to work on my IM business because I have a full-time job’

Get up an hour earlier and go to bed an hour later

‘I don’t know which part of internet marketing I want to go into’

Go do some research and decide, or go do something else with your life

I don’t especially like ranting but I’ll be honest, it was a rant that kicked my arse in the early days and prompted me to do the one thing that has kept me going more than any other:

‘Just Find A Way!’

The old example is that you’d ‘find a way’ if someone was pointing a gun at your head.

They’re not now. Not literally of course, but give it another 12 months and the state of the US and Europe might get to the point where you need to rely on your IM income.

And by then it might be too late.

Like I said, I don’t like motivation through fear.

I much prefer help and encouragement. But it was someone ranting like this that actually got me going in the early days.

I hope you take it in the spirit it’s intended and start making the move today 🙂

Comments welcome below – what do you think?


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