has sold out sold out a few days ago. You can get on the waiting list by going to the site and signing up there. If our experience of MonthlyPLR (which has also sold out) is anything to go by, there’ll be a couple of places that will become vacant each month. If you want one, you’ll need to get on the waiting list., and we’ll let you know.

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Monthly PLR Niche is live!

If subscriber emails are anything to go by this is possibly the most requested site we’ve ever put together.

Check out full details at the site, but if you’re into Internet Marketing you’re seriously not going to get anything this good for this price. Only 100 places are available. Please do yourself a favour and jump in while it’s still open.

Monthly PLR Niche

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Watch your inbox on Sunday 13th – 12noonEST / 5pm UK time

I remember being about 17 years old, standing in front of the bathroom mirror with an ice cube pressed to my earlobe and a cork and long sharp needle in my hand.

I’d been out with some mates for a few beers and thought it would be a good idea to pierce my own ear.

I can still remember the pain involved in trying to numb my earlobe (depsite pints of guiness that possibly ran into double figures) with an ice cube that kept skidding across the floor, and the resulting cold sweat that overcame me on hearing the little ‘crack’ that echoed round the bathroom as the needle finally made a hole through my poor, red painful ear.

After three weeks of infection, pain and humiliation I managed to keep an earring in the ear AND sleep on it at night without waking up with the pain.

Six months later I had another ring put in the same ear. This time I went to a professional and the whole thing was done without pain or fuss in under two minutes.

Last week I wrestled to configure a new piece of software. I knew how it was supposed to work in principle and I’ve installed scripts before with varying degrees of success. This particular installation was an utter b*stard though. Nothing went right.

After two days I had flashes back to my cork, needle and ice days and thought ‘this is NOT worth the pain’ so I emailed a techy who I work with from time to time and the whole installation was up ands working in a matter of hours. Cost me $100.

How much did pratting trying to install the script myself cost?

Thousands probably. I could have been writing or planning a new project, putting a niche site together or whatever. Instead I decided to do the least profitable thing I possibly could.

Sometimes you really just have to know when it’s not worth doing ot yourself, when you can pay someone else to do it while you do what’s important.

There is a point to this.

If you’re finding your marketing business is struggling because you have very little time to spend on the important things because you spend too much time trying to put your own products together then I think we have the solution for you.

 I’m not saying too much because you probably got an email telling you about the launch on Sunday 13th July at 12noon EST, 5pm UK time.

If you’re serious about your IM business, sit in front of your computer checking your inbox at the time above, because we have an opportunity that could change 100 businesses.

100 no more I’m afraid – it’s strictly limited. And it’ll sell out quicker than you can say ‘Oh crap my ear’s gone green’

Watch for that email and we’ll see you Sunday

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A business idea for you

I’ve had a glass of wine, it’s been a balmy summer day, the doors onto the garden are open and with the kids in bed, myself and my wife are watching a thunderstorm as it works it’s way across the hills towrds us.

I’m also writing my blog.

So I thought I’d share a marketing technique with you that I’d never really thought was a ‘secret’ but when I’m mentioned it in the past to a couple of people it seems that it might not be as obvious as it appeared to me when it bailed me out of trouble a few times in the early days.

Also surprising is the number of successful marketers who’ve admitted (maybe that’s the wrong word) to using this technique – some on an industrial scale!

OK – here we go. This won’t take long because the idea is simple, but like all good ideas devastatingly effective!

It also has it’s risks.

But then again so does forgetting an anniversary or trimming your beard when drunk.

I’ll just say up front that this does take some balls – ladies included – so it will appeal to some of you and not others.

 It’s simply this  – you act as a middleman for all services connected to internet marketing.

I used to offer a website design service. although I didn’t know any more than the basics of web page design. I’d get details of the commission, put in my price and then go to or or similar and post the job description.

I’d get the job done cheaper and faster than I’d promised my original client, deliver the finished website to my client and pocket the difference. Money for old rope really.

I never had a problem with the ethics of it (still don’t) and know of some highly reputable freelancers who don’t do any work themselves, they’re just professional middlemen.

That’s the basis of it. However there is a downside. From personal experience I’d say that one in five jobs goes wrong. Delays, untrustworthy freelancers, poor work standard and non-payers are just a few of the problems I’ve encountered.

Very few are un-solveable though, and if you’ve decided to take the plungle into full time internet marketing then acting as a middleman can provide a much needed safety net

And sorry guys but that’s all there is to it. You can find your work by looking through freelance sites or posting on forums, and find the freelancers you’re going to subcontract in the same way.  This is one of those ‘business ideas’ that you’re never going to be convinced about unless you try it yourself. It’s like someone saying ‘then run an adwords ad to drive traffic to your new site’ – it’s easy to say, and to be honest it’s quite easy to do but for some reason it takes…….balls………..and that’s probably why not many people do it.

 And that’s it.

Look into it – see if it clicks with you.

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