Timing the success wave

I’m never so….driven…as when I’m working on a brand new project.

The idea came to me around Sunday lunchtime while I was stacking the dishwasher so I sent a message to the partner I want to work on with this giving brief details and arranging a Skype chat Monday.

Monday morning around 10.30am I showed my partner the research I’d done and why I thought this could be a killer idea.

We Skyped on and off most of yesterday, ending at 11pm at which time we’d sorted out a product, a supplier, a product name, the platform and our branding.

We still have to research fulfilment and a few other bits and pieces before we start to test the market.

I reckon we’ll be ‘live’ by next week.

It’s not in the IM niche but what I DID want to share is that it’s important to ride that first wave of enthusiasm.

In 24 hours we did almost ALL the research and setting up ‘grunt work’ that was a delight to do because we were excited about the new venture, but would have been an absolute pain and taken days if we’d missed the tide.

When you get something new going you have a window of excitement that you need to hit and hit hard, because it can make the difference between acting on your ideas and never getting projects finished.

Some of you will know exactly what I mean I think

I’m knackered this morning though 🙂

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