Tony Shepherd’s 1-2-1 Personal Coaching


I’ve spent the past weeks putting together a brand new personal 1-2-1 coaching program for subscribers only.

It’s based on the results of the survey I posted on my blog earlier this month. I got an amazing response (thank you) and I’ll be sharing the results of the survey, which was very eye-opening in my newsletter on 20th of this month.

I wanted to deliver am affordable coaching program where I could work one-on-one with you. I considered group coaching but I know from personal experience that you just can’t deliver the same quality when you’re working with a group as you can working with one person.  Also judging from your survey replies I can safely say that this is possibly the most unliked form of coaching around. I can fully understand that.

I had two things I wanted to be able to do with this coaching:

1. To make it affordable for people who need it most, but at the same time I knew I had to ‘price out’  tyre kickers and people who might not take it seriously. If I’d priced this coaching at $47 I’d have sold 300 slots but there’s NO WAY I would have had time to work with everyone on an individual basis.

So if I’ve priced you out of this opportunity I’m truly sorry, but at the end of the day you are building a business, and that’s always going to require investment.

On the other hand I knew that pricing this at $997 per month, while making me a decent return, would mean that the people I really want to work with just couldn’t afford it.

2. The second criteria had to be the amount of time I’d need to free up to do this. Remember I only work a couple of days a week usually, and I need to almost double that time to work on a one to on basis.

Which is why I’ve limited this opportunity to just 10 people.

Financially it doesn’t make sense for me to do this. I could easily make the same money from running just two extra promos a month, with no extra ongoing work.

Instead I’ll be working significantly more for little return.

Now before you start recommending me as the first internet marketing saint please realise that I will be seeing a lot in terms of non-financial rewards. Apart from the buzz of watching my coaching clients start up their own (hopefully) successful businesses, I’m also going to get a lot of word of mouth kudos and the business that brings from successful clients.

So I’m not quite ready for that halo yet 🙂

Finally, please realise I’m not pissing about with this. I want to work with 10 clients on their businesses so that they can acheive their goals, be it simply quitting their job or having half a million dollars in the bank by summer. I expect my clients to work on their businesses at least as hard as I will.

Once these 10 slots have sold out I’ll put a form where you can register for a waiting list. You’ll then be notified if and when I decide to open this again. I don’t know if that will happen, I’ll have to see how it goes.

Here’s the link to the page where you can sign up to work with me.

If this is your thing I’d love to work with you.

Comments on this welcome as always, below.


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One response to “Tony Shepherd’s 1-2-1 Personal Coaching

  1. Chris Wynter

    Hi Tony! I see that it’s sold out; but I’m still curious to know how much it was. 🙂


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