Give away your best content for free if you want to be successful

give away your best content for free

Share your secrets.

It’s the best way to make money.

Many online marketers keep the things that work to themselves.

This is a big mistake because if you want to find success you SHARE your stuff.

After all you’re positioning yourself as an expert right?

If you visit a well-know gardening or cookery blog you don’t expect to read about the stuff you already know

You want to know that little trick about how to get your pork rind crispy and sweet, or how to use copper wire to protect your leeks from snails.

You read their content, admire them as experts THEN you buy the book, or the DVD box set.

But so many internet marketers are tight-arses with the information they know works.

Sure, put some (but not all) of your best stuff into your products and sell them.

But at the same time freely give away some of your best stuff too, on your blog, in interviews, on webinars and in your free reports.

Remember these top chefs, gardeners, property developers and all the dudes who have their own TV series don’t just make their income from selling books with their best info…

… they also consult, mentor, endorse and recommend other products to the huge following they’ve built by giving away good, solid information.

The more good stuff you give away, the more successful you’ll become.

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