Total Niche Takeover – A Review (well sort of I’m rushing out but I still like it)

total niche takeoverThis is my last blog post for a few days because I’m
off to start work on some of the methods I’ve been
buying lately for my own business.

Before I go though here’s a BIG heads-up I don’t
think you’ll want to miss.

Simon Greenhalsh from here in the UK has just
launched something that caught my eye immediately.

He’s putting it live on Clickbank in about 3 weeks
for around $50 but this is your chance to check it
out, and if you like it, to grab it for $10 or

If you’re into niche sites then this gives you a
totally different approach than building lots of
small sites. It’s totally step by step too (I love
those – it’s like a ready made outsource template)

In fact if what he says is true you’ll possibly
never build a small site again.

The price increases every 3 sales (which sounds a
bit crazy to me) but at time of writing it’s still
at a very, very good price.

I’m off – back in a few days.

Tony Shepherd

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Get My ‘Toad-Ugly’ 67.7% Converting Free Squeeze Page Template

Free Squeeze Page Template

…And it IS a bit of an oinker.

It’s ugly and very basic but I can’t argue with the stats. It’s Converting!

So if you’d like to grab yourself a copy for free or to get more details, just click on the link below.


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“Forcing The Click” – A Review

$17 for a cruddy 20 page report?

That was my first thought when I downloaded and
unzipped the report I bought yesterday.

Big mistake.

I think this is one of the most exciting
in-come methods I’ve come across in a long

Obviously it’s not fair to give away the entire
method but I can say that I’ll be using this

When I read the first few pages of the report I
thought ‘Yeah so what?’ because while interesting
it didn’t seem to be anything that different.

But when I got to page 7 it started to really blow
my socks off.

It’s fully outsourceable too I reckon.

Check this out:

1. It outlines a video marketing method
that isn’t saturated, and doesn’t have anywhere
near the competition you’ll find in SEO for Google
rankings (and that’s worth the price on it’s own
for me but it gets better…)

2. You WON’T be making the videos. This is
affiliate video marketing for people who don’t want
to or simply can’t make videos.

3. The outsourcing costs for each video will cost
you just £3.08 ($5)

4. Each video can bring you a continued, ongoing

5. There’s hardly any content creation. Maybe 2
minutes work – seriously. (This is a biggie if
like me you’re very busy or you just don’t like
content creation)

6. The bloke behinds this techniques says it’s a
simple, fast, step-by-step formula that starts
showing results almost immediately.

I’ve no results in yet but I think I would agree
that this is certainly possible.

Now a quick note – this is based round selling
products as an Amazon affiliate. (But I WILL be
using this method for other things – it’s

You just set these tiny vids up and let ’em loose
and the product owner says they bring in
commissions without having to touch them again.

It’s a damn sight easier than setting up review
blogs or content sites let me tell you!

My recommendation would be to read more details on
the page below, and see if it’s something you fancy
having a go at.

For me, with my ‘multiple streams’ mentality, it’s
totally ideal.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday

Tony Shepherd

P.S. Almost forgot – on page 15 he casually chucks
in a nifty little trick for getting listed on page
1 of Google.

I like this a lot. See if you agree.

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The MobiNiche Theme – Make your sites viewable for 100 million iPhone users

We’ve just launched our MobiNiche Theme at a price that makes it a must-buy if you work with offline clients, sell any niche product, or you can see that the mobile internet market is poised to go through the roof.

You might think that browsing the internet on your mobile device was already established, and you’d be 100% right.

But very few websites are configured to be mobile-friendly.

Look at the screenshot shot below. The iphone version is horrible, and I reckon most people would simply leave. Resulting in a potential lost sale or opt-in.

So our MobiNiche theme is cleverly designed to look great on both computer browsers and iphones. We chose the iPhone as one of the most popular mobile browsing tools. The MobiNiche theme works on all versions on the iPhone

Not only that, but we’ve built in some very nice features that come into play when the site recognises it’s being viewed from an iphone.

Look at the tilt capabilities.

We’ve also included a double tap facility that allows the iphone user to double tap anywhere on the site and be instantly zoomed in to that section – the post content, the side bar, the optin-box (which makes it ultra-easy for iphone browsers to opt-in and join your list)

And of course you get all the usual customizable theme stuff such as headers, colours, menu bar etc.

The MobiNiche theme is:

1. Specifically created to work with the iPhone
because it’s the most popular smart phone on the

2. It displays a full screen version of your site
and works vertically or horizontally.

3. You can also double tap the various sections and
the theme will zoom in correctly. (Also makes
opting into squeeze pages ultra-easy on an iphone)

4. Looks great in any PC or Mac Browser. Looks
Fabulous On Any iPhone

You get get yourself a copy by clicking on the link below.


We’ve deliberately made it affordable so the people who need it most can have access too.

Comments welcome as always

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A scruffy bird keeps knocking at my door

tony shepherd This is the Crow, or a Raven or Rook that’s been sitting on our doorstep tapping his beak and flying against the glass for the past four hours now.

I’m no expert but he looks like a young ‘un to me, and from watching him move around I’d say he’s got a damaged wing.

For the past two days the tree in our neighbour’s garden has been occupied by a dozen or more Crows (or whatever they are), and we reckon they’re trying to form a rookery or something.

I’m resisting the urge to Google it at the moment just to sound like an expert.

We see the same thing in the graveyard next to the village church. Tall brooding trees full of Crows (is it called a Parliament of Crows?) all making the same creepy, abrasive, wonderful noise.

It’s getting noisy round here too at the moment and with this little chap obviously trying to get into the house it’s like a scene from ‘The Omen’ film.

My wife said we should do something.

‘We’ meaning ME of course. So I did.

I opened a bottle of wine, poured us both a glass and had a think for a bit.

There’s nothing I can do for him. If we let him into the house he’ll just flap round shitting everywhere and wake up the kids. Or my screaming would.

We got a bat in the house once and that was traumatic enough. I phoned the Bat Conservation Trust (you thought English people weren’t really eccentric?)

They said ‘they have sonar and will never fly into your face or hair’

My arse they don’t! I watched my wife’s friend go from a gentle, caring woman who loves all animals to a cursing, leaping monster whacking at her own head with a walking boot trying to dislodge the bat tangled in her hair.

It eventually bit and scratched it’s way to freedom and I threw a towel over it and released it gently into the night.

We used the same towel to mop up the blood from the floor. The rabies shot the day after didn’t help her love for bats either.

Anyway….back to our Crow.

My decision was to do nothing and ‘see what happens’. It’s what the RSPCA say to do anyway.

Tomorrow morning he’ll either be dead or waking us up crowing with his mates. I hope it’s the noisy option.

We’ve lived in the country long enough not to be romantic about wild animals though. The first time I saw a fox ripping a chicken to pieces just a few yards from my feet stopped any Disney notions I might have about nature.

But I like the way nature sometimes just ‘waits to see what happens’

The Crow with the bad wing outside isn’t like Tom Hanks in that crappy ‘Castaway’ movie, planning his escape or trying to make the best of his situation…

No, our crow is just waiting to see what happens.

Unfortunately if a cat or a fox comes in the night I think he’s a gonner.

If he’s only hurt his wing not damaged it, he might just be OK to fly back to his mates tomorrow.

He’s just waiting to see.

And that’s often the best thing I can do with my own business.

Wait and see what happens.

We’re told quite a lot that it’s good to be proacative, and it is. But sometimes (I think) it’s also good to get away from your computer for a while and see how your business goes on it’s own.

You know the way a car pulls to the right or left when you take your hands off the wheel?

Well if you leave your business alone for a couple of weeks and do nothing to it, you’ll get a pretty good idea of what stage you’re at.

For example if you continue to make sales on autopilot you’re doing something right.

If your list continues to grow then your squeeze pages and traffic generation methods obviously work.

But if nothing happens. No sales and no opt-ins then the chances are that that when you DO work on your business you’re focusing on the WRONG things.

Instead of doing whatever day to day tasks you were doing, you might be better off working on implementing systems that run themselves when you take your hands off the wheel.

A really quick example would be recruiting new optins as affiliates. So that they then send you more traffic which in turn generates sales and optins, which you then recruit as affiliates….

And on and on.

Sometimes doing nothing can be good for your business.

It’s something I do on a regular basis.

Consider taking your hands off the wheel for a while and watching what happens.

Comments on crows, business or bats welcome 🙂

EDIT: Good News. As of 10.17am this morning our bird flapped it’s wings a few times and flew onto the roof. He waited there for a while then flew off into the trees. He seemed fine.

There’s a comment crept onto the blog below about my attitude to animals (and birds) that might be considered offensive. I had my finger over the delete button but I very very rarely delete blog comments unless they’re spammy. So I left this one in, as a celebration of the fact that people are all very different 🙂

As with all my opinions – they’re just that. Mine. I’m probably one of the luckiest internet marketers around in that most people who find their way to comment on this blog are open minded, intelligent and have their own carefully formulated opinions. Thanks guys.

As always I stand by my point of view and opinions.

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FREE REPORT – How To Monetise Paid Mailings – The Funnel Report

Watch the vid – it’s under 3 minutes, then grab the free report below if it floats your boat. It’s about how I’m monetizing paid mailings. Very scalable and very easy to do 🙂


Comments and questions welcome – just leave ’em below.

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Need a bit of help? A money making system I use.

How do YOU feel when you see secreenshots of marketers earning thirty grand a month when you’re wondering how to pay your mortgage or make sure your kids get a birthday present?

Well popular marketing lore would have you feel motivated to take massive action. My guess is what you really feel like is someone’s squeezing your guts in their fist?

In the past, I’ve wondered how the hell I’m going to pay the bills, and it’s not motivating, it’s just bloody scary. It’s crippling actually because it messes up your judgement and stops you thinking straight.

Being able to think effectively about how to make money online is something you only really get to do when you’ve already made plenty.

Cruel twist of fate or what?

So let’s get right back to basics. I’m going to show you how to make money online. This method is very good to me which is why I want to share it with you. So it’s not theory guys. It’s real and it’s working for me as I write this.

Very quickly before I start I want to say that the reason I’m sharing this is because I’m starting to get some very desperate emails from people. I suspect other marketers are too but I’m very uncomfortable with pretending everything is OK when in reality the global recession / banking crime situation is biting deep for a lot of people.

It’s not hitting everyone and quite honestly desperate times usually mean increased sales for people selling ‘how to make money online’ products, but I want to try to give you a bit of a leg up the ladder.

Why? Well there’s the ‘pain’ of not being able to afford a new car this year, and there’s the pain of watching your family struggle because you can’t quite crack it online, when just an extra few hundred a month would help.

This will work for everyone who gives it a serious go, but I’m writing this post for the guys who’ve emailed me.

It’s about finding a method that works and upscaling it. Sort of like spending a dollar to make back $10 then doing it some more.

I am actively ‘doing’ this method at the moment. It IS putting money into my bank account on a regular basis. It works.

I wrote something similar to this in last month’s Affordable Mentoring Newsletter and got some great feedback from subscribers who are making it work for them.

Get yourself a squeeze page and a free gift. Get yourself a good converting product as an upsell. It’s not as hard as it sounds because they don’t even have to be your product, although your squeeze page will convert better if it’s unique.

Here’s an example. Go to the Google keywords tool and do some research on low competition niches or something similar. Write up in the info in a report or ‘bulletin’ If you can get PLR to a good report you could use that. Even better if you can get rights to give away a piece of software that does it for you.

Software as a freebie converts very well. Once you’re using this method seriously you could have some made.

You need a good quality free gift to get people to opt in to your sq page. Make it something YOU would opt in for. Don’t assume customers opt in for crap if you wouldn’t yourself. That’s both arrogant and stupid.

It doesn’t have to be in keyword research. It could be a freebie about website design, blogging, plugins, SEO or any of the other ideas that make up the ‘make money online’ niche. It really does have to be in the MMO niche. I’ll explain why later.

Then find yourself a good product that converts well. It doesn’t have to be your product. Some of my best systems use 100% commission products from other people, and some use Clickbank products. They’ve done all the work for you – slaes pages, testing etc.

Now put them together.

You put your squeeze page at the front end, and then deliver the paid product once they’ve opted in. I sometimes put an exit splash on the sq page to ‘mop up’ some of the visitors that don’t opt in.

Then either put it in front of an existing traffic stream (I sometimes divert traffic away from my other pages for a while) or visit the Warrior Forum JV section and buy a mail solo mailing. This is why it works best in the make money online niche, because solo mailings are EASY to come by.

I buy a lot of paid mailings.

What you’re really doing here is testing conversions.

If your squeeze page converts at 50% and you get 200 visitors that means that 100 go through to your offer page. If THAT coverts at 10% and the sale price is $17 it means you make (10 people at $17) $170. If your upsell works on a commission other than 100% adjust your figures accordingly.

If you paid $100 for your solo mailing (An average price for 200 clicks is around $80) then you’re $70 up.

Scale up. Times it by 10.

If you spend $1000 on paid mailings you’ll be $700 up. That’s profit AFTER you’ve covered the price of your mailings. In your pocket.

Track your results for a while. Your conversion rates will obviously fluctuate depending on the quality of traffic but I’ve found they don’t waver as much as you’d think.

Slowly scale up, using your profits to buy more mailings. Within a few months you can be investing $10,000 in paid mailings and taking a clear profit of $7,000 a month. Build more systems and do it again, I can build a system in half a day.

I would HIGHLY recommend splitting this over several systems. I earn pretty well from IM but I still get ‘twitchy’ spending five figures on paid mailings if the upsell is a commission product!

Make sure you NEVER send the newly opted in customer directly to an affiliate link. Always run it through a redirect on your site first. That way if the product owner removes the product or starts playing silly buggers in some way you can just divert to another product.

The product by the way MUST be highly relatyed to your squeeze page bait.

The other thing is time. I’d recommend hiring a good virtual assistant to line up the mailings and book them for you. This might cost you $500 a month but it’s well worth it. All they need is to know the is details of your systems and have access to your Paypal account to pay.

You can give them certain powers and restrict others in Paypal. For example you can allow them to pay people but not withdraw money or change settings etc. It’s easy.

While’s your VA is sorting out the mailings you could be looking into SEO. If it’s at all possible you should try to get your site to Google page 1 for low competition keyword so that at least some of the traffic to your systems is free. This is not necessary but it certainly helps.

The ultimate goal (for me anyway) on every system I create is to SEO it to the point where I’m getting a lot of traffic organically and paying for much less. Pure profit. You get rich this way.

of course you can also look into other forms of paid advertising such as banner ads, media buys and the rest as your confidence grows.

This is basically how almost every successful marketer does it. Sure the size and type if system varies – the upsell might be personal coaching or a high ticket course.

But this IS internet marketing guys. Everything else is fluff.

Build a system that converts to a profit and builds your list. Upscale it.

As you become more experienced you’ll tweak and refine it and add other things in there.

But basically once you’ve got something that turns the tiniest of profits you can do one of two things:

1. The wrong way. Most newbies learn how to make $30 a month from their system then move into something else because they think it’s not doing well enough. This is crazy. This will lead to failure unless you’re very clever or very lucky.

2. The right way. Once the method works upscale it. This is what pretty much EVERY successful marketer does in one way or another.

Build your list and profit as you do it. That’s the secret of internet marketing. Everything else is just pretty and shiny.

I’d love to hear your comments, feedback and even your problems. If you’re stuck with anything post it here and I’ll try to help.

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HUGE hands, velcro and pornographic greetings cards…

When you first poke your sweaty toe into the murky puddle of internet marketing you get a LOT of advice.

Some of it of offered by genuine experts, and some is offered by by people you wouldn’t leave alone with your pet hamster.

The problem is that at the time you have no idea which is which.

I’m speaking from personal experience here. It’s only been in the past few years I’ve come to realise what is what in IM, and as a result I’ve been able to tell what was valuable advice and what was pure, unadulterated crap.

But to confuse the matter even more, it seems advice isn’t either ‘right or wrong’

It’s ‘right or wrong FOR YOU’

So all I want to do today is to tell you about a certain piece of advice that was very WRONG for me, and which I wished I’d spotted earlier…..because I’d have made more money.

Please not I’m not saying the advice was wrong in general, it was just very wrong for me.


So was I.

So I was told I needed to ‘brand myself’ to be succesful in internet marketing.

Various examples were given. The gurus of the time had self-appointed titles such as

‘The Adsense King’
‘The Traffic Guy’
‘The Product Creation Gal’

or something similar.

Now I thought these were horribly cheesy at the time but being a relative newcomer I started to dig around for a title for myself.

‘The guy who put the ‘cont’ in continuity’ resulted in some horrible emails after an unfortunate typo so I gave that one up….

…and trying to give some ‘Soul’ to PLR products didn’t work, not did my ex-domain name ‘’

(you have to say it aloud to get the faux pas and being English helps)

I’m kidding (although sadly not entirely), but the idea of branding is to become number one in your field – the ‘go to guy’ if you will.

And I’m sure this works. At least for the top guy anyway.

It’s probably not so cool being the ‘go to when the previous 14 methods didn’t work guy’

And it didn’t suit me at all. If you read my Affordable Mentoring Newsletter you’ll know that I love dipping in and out of markets, experimenting with various methods and techniques and not being branded in one particular field.

I’m not saying this is the right way to do business online, just that I like it and it works for me.

So my advice is that you at least TRY different advice and methods until you find something that suits you.

There’s nothing WRONG with being a bit of a butterfly.

Did you marry the first guy or girl you dated?

You’ve got to try stuff on for size.

Here’s an example. On saturday I was actually doing some offline marketing and what a refreshing change it was!

I don’t mean trying to sell blogs or SEO services to local businesses, I mean I was helping to set up an exhibition stand for one of the ‘real’ businesses we’re involved with at home.

So I found myself wresting with lighting, display equipment and losing in a wrestling match to a pile of velcro at a national trade fair.

Above is a pic of me at the trade show looking relaxed if slightly bewildered without a laptop to hide behind.

(Quick photography tip – never have your hands too far in front of your body when taking a pic – it makes you look like you pick watermelons for a living)

Anyway – doing something DIFFERENT business wise – it’s such a business booster you wouldn’t believe.Simply coming from a different angle gives you all sorts of new perspectives on your online stuff.

And it’s even better when it works out…

So far 2 months worth of business has been generated, and we expect to at least double (possibly more) before the expo has ended.

And still I can’t believe how wide the gap between online and offline business is. The number of offline business people who collect daft information such as whether your title is ‘Miss’. ‘Mr’ or whatever but don’t bother to gather email addresses just astounds me.

Likewise, when you mainly sell from a computer you forget the power of face to face meetings when it comes to making sales or building relationships.;

So what’s my point?

It’s simply this. Branding yourself as an expert is great. It works.

But it’s by no means the ONLY way to build a business. Sure, it’s a great thing to brand yourself as THE authority in your field, but is it also a way of putting all your eggs into one basket?

I honestly don’t know. And it’s not something I really spend much time thinking about.

Personally I like to have my finger in many pies. It keeps me interested, spreads my income streams and gives me some VERY valuable insights into methods that can be implemented across various different businesses.

And after a few days messing around in the real world, it was quite a relief to get back to the world of dweebery and nerdism that is internet marketing 🙂

If you’re feeling a bit flat and directionless then my advice would be to re-inject yourself with some of the enthusiasm and passion you had when you first got into online business – remember that?

And the best way to do this is to add another string to your bow, another income stream, another project.

I’m sure loads of gurus would disagree with me.

But who cares 🙂

Try it once – see how you feel. Start a shark farm, sell handmade greetings cards that border on being pornographic (beats those bloody horrible twee things you see everywhere) or open a juice bar in your town

It doesn’t have to be as grand as the above actually – maybe look into something small and virtually risk-free such as finding good website designers for offline businesses and acting as the go between and taking a cut, or doing that thing – that hobby – that you’ve always fancied having a go at but never dared…

It’ll give your online business a huge boost.

Comments absolutely welcome as usual…Let’s hear from you guys. Am I right or wrong? Click on the comments link at the top of the post to have your say

Best wishes


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Get our FREE tweaked and tested Equinox Sales Theme!


I caught myself doing something really dumb the other day.

I’m putting together a few sales funnel for something that we’re launching in a week or so, and at the front of it is the ugliest pig of a squeeze page you’re ever likely to see. The whole funnel isn’t there yet but the squeeze page and delivery system is.

(The pic on the right is the actual Equinox Theme which I love, not the cruddy squeeze page by the way)

It’s been running as a WSO for a few days, and I sent out a small mailing about it so we could test conversion rates.

You can see the current comversion rates on the screenshot I took from the Aweber account below.

The squeeze page is converting at 66.1%

That’s a very good conversion rate for a squeeze page.

We’re offering a free premium wordpress theme so it’s tasty ‘bait’ we’re fishing with, but nonetheless, a constant 66 ish percent is pretty good.


So what was the stupid thing?

Well if you visit the squeeze page at

you may or may not agree with me but I think it’s a OINKER of a page. It’s ugly. I don’t like the layout, the colours…in fact I hate the whole thing.

But it’s the best performing out of all the pages we tried. The prettier ones are still 10% behind in conversion figures.

Yet I still considered (for about half a second) having another nicer looking one made, until I gave myself a mental slap and left it where it is.

We’ve just tested it on ‘colder’ traffic and it still holds the figures.

We’re still tweaking so if we find a better looking page with better conversion rates of course we’ll use it, but until then we’re stuck with it.

The crusty toenail of the squeeze page world.

The Equinox theme however is gorgeous and fully tweaked and tested and is a TOP converting salespage.

You can get it free (by visiting our ugly squeeze page) at



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Our Personal Coaching Program Is Now Open


You might remember I said I wanted to make some changes to my business this year…

Well here’s what I want to do…. I want to set you up in business.

Hold that thought while I explain…

A little while ago I set up a new business with Tony Newton. It’s based around developing products  – notably plugins and themes – for WordPress users.

We’ve taken this business from zero to over $100,000 in a matter of months.

We spend an hour or so a day coming up with ideas for new plugins and themes (the starting point being ‘what would we use?‘) developing then, pocketing the profit from them and then either taking a monthly income from them or ‘flipping’ them for four and five figure sums.

Check out these three facts:

1. We’ve never yet failed to make a profit using our ‘no risk’ system.

2. It’s great fun (don’t underestimate how important this is)

3. It’s totally non-techy if you do it OUR way.

So we’re very excited to open our brand new (unique as far as I know) Personal Coaching program.

We want to work personally with unique and motivated individuals and coach them to do exactly the same.

If that’s YOU visit this link for more details >>>

We’ll hand-hold you through the entire process. We’ll guide you through the entire process – from concept, through development and marketing, up to the best bit of all – pocketing the profits.

We’ll also show you exactly how to flip your new software (if you wish) for a BIG profit. You should come out with a four or even a five figure sum with us guiding you. And of course you take 100% of the profits.

We’ll introduce you to our own team, and throw in a 10,000 mailing for your new software if you wish – again the profit is 100% yours. We don’t take a ‘cut’ or ‘commission’ unlike some mentors.

We WILL without a doubt show you everything you need to build a six figure online wordpress business.

Obviously because this is personal coaching (You’ll be working directly with Tony Newton and myself) and  NOT mass-coaching via webinars, we can only work with a limited number of people.

We’re currently still discussing what this number should be but it’s almost certainly NOT going to be more than 10.

So when all places are filled we’ll close the program untill a space comes up.

Remember you’ll have full access to everything we know about creating a six figure business in just months.

Click on the link below for more details

This a chance to start afresh….


Comments welcome…

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